Category Archives: Uncategorized
Begins season 2015
The collector is already connected to the Internet (could it be otherwise?)
Controller version v1.3
Controller version v1.3 is almost finished …. Programm, pcb, sch, brd
Valdiklis v1.21
Pagaminta 10 patobulinto valdiklio PCB, Jos yra Šiauliuose. Aprašymas čia.
2014 metų sezonas baigtas
Dėl stogo dangos keitimo sezonas baigtas anksčiau. Kitiems metams tas pats kolektorius (du trikampiai) bus sumontuotas ant žemės. Vamzdynas pailgės apie 10 metrų, bet pasvirimo kampas bus 45 laipsniai (bus galima reguliuoti) , plotas padidės iki 4 kv. m.
Tested a new data monitoring system
Tested the new controller v1.2 version of the program to work with the network module ENC28J60 intended for data storage server. The program here- The server has to be installed emoncms program. 2013 solar collector work schedules mouse selected … Continue reading
Kada atsipirks mano saulės kolektorius
Čia galite pasiskaičiuoti kada atsipirks Jūsų saulės kolektorius lyginant kolektoriaus kainą su išlaidomis elektrai, kurią naudojate vandeniui šildyti.
Started the 2014 summer season
19 April 2013. collector is filled with water.
Solar collector controller v1.2
There has been an improved solar control version. The program can write here. PCB is universal and can be adapted to the changing program of your needs. Arduino is the standard 5-key pad (A0) connector 16×2 LCD display (LCD LiquidCrystal … Continue reading
The new version of the solar collector controller
There a new simple solar controller version. Changes: added 5 button keyboard, added connection for network module, added LCD backlight on / off. More knowledge will be presented later.
DIY boiler heat exchanger test
Boiler heat exchanger made of 5 m 1/2 “section of corrugated stainless steel pipe. Between the inlet and outlet coolant at around 4 degrees difference.