2024 season starts

On the evening of 8 April, the collector was filled with water, so the season will start on 09.04.2024.
On the evening of 13 October, the water was released from the collector and the season ended.
Real-time schedules will be available here:
Outdoor temperatures, Collector temperature, Boiler temperature.
2024.05.19 Two additional sensors are connected to measure the temperature in the greenhouse and basement.

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The 2023 season

The 2023 season started a little late due to persistent frosts on 8 May.
The season ended on October 8. The temperature measurement remains and awaits the new season.
Real-time schedules will be available here:
Lauko temperatūra, kolektoriaus temperatūra, boilerio temperatūra.

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Start of the 2022 season

Ready for season 10!
A new 200-litre boiler with two coils will be used from 2022. The upper coil is already connected to the heating system and in use. The lower solar coil is connected but not yet filled with water as the temperature is still below zero at night. The boiler is raised from the ground by 60 cm because the heating system is gravity fed. Here are a couple of photos:

Real-time temperature graphs will be available here:
Outdoor temperature, collector temperature, boiler temperature.

The season ended on September 23. The temperature measurement remains and awaits the new season.

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Beginning of the 2021 season

From 2020 April 19 the collector is filled with water. We are starting the season! The graphs in real time will be here:
Outside temperature, collector temperature, boiler temperature

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End of the 2020 season

The longest season since 2012. Water was released from the system on October 17th.

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Beginning of the 2020 season

From 2020 April 22 the collector is filled with water. We are starting the season! The graphs in real time will be here:
Outside temperature, collector temperature, boiler temperature

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The controller is ready for the new 2020 season

From April 10, 2020 the controller starts collecting data.

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New controller with the esp32 processor

Testing of new controller started. Throughout the 2019 season, the collector worked with a new controller that worked very steadily. It is based on a new controller for home heating system with solid fuel boiler, storage tank, hot water boiler. Change widget settings when connected via browser from your phone or computer. The controller is now being tested pre-test software is here , wiring diagram, pcb.

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Season 2019 is over

September 27, 2019 was the last time the sun warmed the water. It was the best season since 2012.

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Beginning of the 2019 season

April 7, 2019 solar collector filled with water, new controller connected, graphs in real time will be here:
O_2019- air temperature, K_2019- collector temperature, B_2019- boiler temperature

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